Games like portal 2 for free
Games like portal 2 for free

You might want to wait for a sale though on SF, cause its pretty overpriced, but goes down by 90. The isolation is heightened by the introduction of a lifeless companion cube, which mocks your friendless predicament. If you havent already try Space Farmers and Squirbs, pretty fun co-op puzzle solving games. As GLaDOS’s dysfunction turns to straight-up sociopathy, you must take on challenges with her tormenting discouragement ringing in your ears. Portal 2 is a painful irritating garbage fest, with repetitive puzzles, unbelievably same-ey locations that feel like Deja Vu every time, boring mechanics, and clunky unintuitive controls that make you feel like a fat drunkard on stilts. It’s a mind-bending challenge, but the real interest is the darkening tone of GLaDOS, who seems bent on foiling your progress, and the signs of previous test subjects spotted behind the scenes. Through a series of increasingly ingenious (and malicious) test chambers, you must use your gun to escape.

games like portal 2 for free

Watched by the artificial intelligence GLaDOS, you have a gun that can create a pair of magic portals on any surface: one is an entrance and the other is an exit. You are in a science laboratory where you seem to be being tested.

games like portal 2 for free

Game ini menggunakan konsep portal seperti pada versi sebelumnya, namun ada beberapa penambahan yang cukup signifikan. Artinya, strategi dan kecepatan dalam berfikir akan sangat dibutuhkan untuk memainkan game ini secara baik. Our experts have spent time searching for great games similar to Portal and have found the following: Portal 2 Download Free for PC Game ini terbilang cukup unik karena mengusung platform puzzle.

Games like portal 2 for free